Guide de traitement- La maladie parodontale chronique et inflammatoire All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Recommendations and tablesBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Guérir par les microbes All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Greffe Alloderm All periodontics documents, Article, Implants, transplants and drugs, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Grossesse et maladies parodontales All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Pregnancies and childbirthBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Gold-nanoparticles-modulate-the-crosstalk-between-macrophages-an_2019_Biomat All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Techniques and toolsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Formation des biofilms sous conditions hydrodynamiques contrôlées All periodontics documents, Article, Chlorhexidine and ORGANIC, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Evaluation-of-an-association-between-long-sleep-duration-and-pe_2018_Gaceta- All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Épidémiologie des maladies parodontales All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Recommendations and tablesBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
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