Sex and race or ethnicity disparities in opioid… All periodontics documents, Article, Implants, transplants and drugs, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
Screening for periodontal diseases using salivary lactate… All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Systemic and cardiovascular diseasesBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
Santé parodontale et troubles systémiques All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Systemic and cardiovascular diseasesBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
RNA sequencing data of human periodontal ligament cells treated… All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Techniques and toolsBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
Research performance of biomarkers from biofluids… All periodontics documents, Article, Chlorhexidine and ORGANIC, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
Relations entre les maladies parodontales et les maladies systémiques All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Systemic and cardiovascular diseasesBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
Regulation of defensive function on gingival epitheli… All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Techniques and toolsBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
Recommandations sur le rincage buccal pour une bonne santé parodontale All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Recommendations and tablesBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
Rapport foyers infectieux All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021
Promoting oral health care because of its possible… All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontics Documents, Systemic and cardiovascular diseasesBy Sylvie Proulx7 January 2021