Molecular detection of feline and canine… All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx17 November 2020
MMP 8 and TIMP 1 are associated to periodontal… All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx17 November 2020
Marine w-3 vitamine D levels, disease outcome and periodontal status in rheumatoid arthritis outpatients All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx17 November 2020
Les tests biologiques en parodontologie All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx17 November 2020
La santé buccodentaire, un investissement pour une vie de qualité! All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx17 November 2020
In silico study of cuspid periodontal ligament damage under parafunctionnal and traumatic conditions of whole-mouth occlusions All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Guérir par les microbes All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Evaluation-of-an-association-between-long-sleep-duration-and-pe_2018_Gaceta- All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
Diabète et maladies parodontales All periodontics documents, Article, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics DocumentsBy Sylvie Proulx16 November 2020
L’état de la santé buccodentaire au Québec All ODQ articles, All periodontics documents, Article, Dental health, ODQ, Periodontal diseases and health, Periodontics Documents, Recent articlesBy Sylvie Proulx11 November 2020